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系統維護公告 Website Maintenance Announcement
華語文能力測驗考試規則有重大變革,從2024年9月之考試場次開始實施 Major ch...
系統維護公告 Website maintenance Announcement
測驗日期 / 時間
Test Date Test Type Pilot / Formal Choose Test Location Registration period

TOCFL重要提醒 Notice for TOCFL:
自2024年9月起,考生需在「個人資料維護」上傳大頭照。大頭照經核准(兩個工作日內)後才可報名,且不可再更改。大頭照將出現在監考人員的點名表上,以確認考生身份,如果監考人員無法確認大頭照是否與本人相符,將取消考試資格,並且不退費。系統會在兩天內發送「大頭照審核結果通知信」到考生信箱,提醒報名或重新上傳合格大頭照。 其他考試規則重大變革,請見最新公告
Starting from September 2024, test-takers are required to upload a headshot on the “Personal Information” page. The registration will not be processed until the headshot is verified and approved (usually within two working days). The headshot, once verified and approved, cannot be replaced. The approved headshot will appear on the attendance sheet for the proctor to verify the test-taker's identity. The registration of the test-taker will be revoked if the identity cannot be verified with the headshot. No refund of the registration fee will be given for such revocation.Within two days of submission, the test-taker will receive, via e-mail, a “Headshot Verification Result Notification” instructing them to either proceed with the registration or re-upload a compliant headshot. Other major changes of TOCFL regulations, please link to LATEST NEW

預試重要提醒Notice for Pilot Test:
1. 母語為中文之本國人士,請勿報名預試。
 If you're native Chinese-speaker, please do not register for the pilot test.
2. 預試恕不受理退費,煩請見諒。
 We cannot process refunds of pilot tests, apologies for any inconvenience caused.

For migrant workers participating in the Ministry of Labor's long-term employment program, it is recommended to register for the following sessions with a yellow background:

1. (電腦)聽力測驗-移工專案,僅有聽力測驗入門基礎級Band A,無閱讀測驗
 (Computer) Listening Test - Migrant Worker Special Project, only the basic level Band A of the listening test is available, with no reading test.
2. (電腦)口語測驗,含「入門基礎級Band A」的場次
 (Computer) Speaking Test, including sessions for the "basic level Band A" category.

地址 : 24449 新北市林口區仁愛路一段2號 資訊與教學大樓B棟7樓
7F, Information and Academic Building, No. 2, Sec. 1, Ren-ai Rd., Lin-kou Dist., New Taipei City 24449, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL : 02-77495638(轉8201~8205)  FAX : 02-26014181  Email : service @ sc-top.org.tw 服務時間:週一至週五9:00~17:00