- Changing Test Level or Location
If you want to change your test level or venue during the registration period, please contact SC-TOP immediately to ensure that your original registration is no longer on the system. Then log into the Online Registration System and start the registration process again. If you have already paid, it’s not possible to transfer your original payment. You’ll need to make a separate payment for your new test registration. You can apply for a refund for your original payment.
1. 申請期限:請於報名截止日(含追加報名)後4天內提出申請,逾期恕不受理。
1.1 請填寫下方連結的「華語文能力測驗取消報名與退費申請表(臺灣考區適用)」https://tocfl.edu.tw/assets/files/application/Cancellation&Refunds.pdf
1.2 填妥後,請掃描或拍照並電郵至華測會服務信箱 service@sc-top.org.tw。
2. 取消費用:取消報名及重複繳費申請退費,收取手續費300元
3. 退費方式:本會以「郵政匯票」退費,一律於原報考測驗日後一個月以郵局掛號寄出。
4. 注意事項:申請資料有誤或不全者,本會將不受理。
- Test Registration Cancellation & Refunds
If you have already paid but cannot attend the test, you can apply to cancel your test registration and receive a refund. Email application procedure:
1 Deadline for applications to receive a refund: You can cancel your test and apply for a refund up until 4 days after the end of the registration period.
1.1 Complete the TOCFL Registration Cancellation & Refund Application Form:https://tocfl.edu.tw/assets/files/application/Cancellation&Refunds.pdf
1.2 Scan or photograph your completed application form and email it to SC-TOP (service@sc-top.org.tw).
2. Cancellation fee: There is a service charge of NT$300 for each application for a refund.
3. Refunds: Refunds are sent by registered mail one month after the date of the registered test, in the form of a postal order.
4. Please note: A refund will not be made if an application is incomplete, or provides incorrect information.